Like so many others, this time of year, I usually pray for the Lord to lay a specific word for the year on my heart. In years past, it’s been words like refuge, rest, and abide. But for some reason, I can’t bring myself to pray for a word this year.
Perhaps you are like me. Perhaps you are tired of how things usually go. Perhaps you are yearning for something different even in your relationship with God, something new.
Perhaps the way things used to work just doesn’t fit anymore. As we mature and grow spiritually, it’s normal to have these kinds of feelings and to long for more of God, to no longer settle for the “status quo.”
So where does that leave us? It’s not that I don’t want to hear from God; in fact, it’s quite the opposite. I want to hear more from God this year. Maybe I don’t want to limit things to a specific word. Instead, maybe I want Him to spill out and overflow in every area of my life.
The longing to experience this relationship we have with God in a new way is not a one-sided feeling. In fact, we see in Scripture that God is the author of the “new.”
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland (Isaiah 43:19).
That scripture brings so much comfort because, for many of us, the last couple of years have felt like wilderness or wasteland.
The idea of fresh water where it has been dry is something that I long for, and maybe you do, too. We long for redemption and restoration in areas that may have appeared dried up and forgotten.
When God is doing a new thing in us, we can sense it. It may feel and look different, but different isn’t bad.
A Word of the Year or The Word for the Year
How does this translate to January — into the time of year that we tend to seek God for direction and focus?
Well, perhaps instead of seeking a “word of the year,” we should be seeking The Word this year.
If we were to take that same New Year excitement and commitment and translate that into a pattern of seeking God in His word for the entire year, I think something extraordinary would happen.
As God’s character and nature are revealed in the scriptures, it also reveals how He acts towards us. As we get to know the God of the Bible, words like refuge, rest, and abide become more than just words.
They become attributes of God that are reflected in our lives and come as a natural overflow from our time spent reading God’s word.
So, the question becomes, how can we create some rhythms in our lives that make space for God’s Word?
1. Decide on What You Will Read
In order for God’s Word to make a difference in your life, you have to actually read it. That may feel obvious, but so many believers don’t actually read God’s Word regularly. The key? Choose a format that makes sense in your everyday life.
Maybe it doesn’t feel natural to sit down for an hour every day and read from your Bible. If that’s the case, then download one of the many apps that put the Bible and Bible Reading plans right onto your phone.
If you find reading makes you tired, listen to an audio version or a Bible Study Podcast like the Hearing Jesus Podcast. Find a method that works for your life and your natural way of learning in order to make sure that the habit of Bible reading sticks.
2. Create a Habit
That brings us to the second tip: creating a habit. We all have habits. Sometimes good ones, sometimes bad ones. This time of year, there is a lot of focus on our habits as we try to let go of old ones to make room for new ones.
Making Bible reading a regular part of your daily rhythms takes time and intention. However, once you start to understand the benefits of reading God’s word regularly, it can become the highlight of your day. Creating space for spiritual habits can help us feel more connected to God.
3. Tell Someone
Like any other practice or habit that we start in January, it can be so easy to forget all about it by February. One way to combat that tendency is to tell someone else about your new intention to read God’s Word regularly.
Ask them for accountability and regularly share what you are learning. God longs to develop a relationship with you and speak to you as part of your daily life. The primary way God speaks to us is through His Word, but we have to actually read it in order to hear what He is saying.
Looking for ways to hear God’s voice more clearly? Listen to the Hearing Jesus Podcast, a daily Bible Study and Spiritual Growth show dedicated to helping you hear from God.
For further reading:
How Do We Honor Our Father and Mother if They Were Abusive?
3 Things to Remember When You Share Your Faith with Others
5 Reasons Why You Should Read the Old Testament
5 Reasons to Read the Book of Psalms
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Ben White