It’s midnight-ish and while I fell asleep peacefully on the couch, now I must trudge off to bed. Then, this happens . . .
12:10 a.m.: God . . . Are you there? It’s me! (Rambling thoughts while noticing the neighbor’s dog barking next door)
12:30 a.m.: The hubby is peacefully (or rather loudly) snoozing. My thoughts track back over my day. I am suddenly filled with regretful remorse based on the events that took place this morning. My mind is a record on repeat, displaying my "bad momma" moment. Ugh. Why did I have to say that?
1:00 a.m.: I’m just about to doze off to sleep but I thought I heard footsteps. Wait! Was that a creek in the stairsteps? (Pause to listen intently) All I hear is snoring. Ugh. Should I go check it out?
2:00 a.m.: Hey God, it’s me again. Crisis averted it was just the dog, or maybe my active imagination. So . . . anyway, I have a bunch of things on my to-do list for tomorrow (or I mean today--Ugh, it’s today) and I really could use some sleep. Please help me rest. Please!
2:30 a.m.: The dog next door is barking again. That’s it. I can’t sleep!
2:33-3:02 a.m.: Staring at the wall wondering if I should just get up and binge-watch the rest of The Chosen.
3:05 a.m.: If I fall asleep right now, I can get 3 hours of sleep. Maybe. God, please help me fall asleep!
After a few more random thoughts, I finally doze off sometime after that only to be startled awake by the annoying alarm clock that blatantly reminds me, I must get up and face the day. Groan. Snooze. Everything hurts, aches, and reminds me that I need more sleep.
Frustration grows as I throw myself out of bed. Today is going to be--a day!
Maybe you can relate? Sleepless nights are no joke and when you are filled with worry or carry around the stress of the previous day (or days, weeks, months) it can bring you to a place of dread when bedtime rolls around.
Then again, sometimes, there are those nights that are spurred on by absolutely nothing, you just can’t seem to catch a wink--Ugh! Well, my friend, let’s reclaim your sleep. Join me by putting into practice a bedtime routine that will help you catch some of those much-wanted and desperately-needed zzz’s, while also more importantly lifting up your heart to the Father!
Below you will find 7 verses and prayers to exhale before you hit the hay. Whether you incorporate listening to soft music, stretching, taking deep intentional breaths, turning off the electronics, or avoiding caffeine, let’s reign it all in with Scriptures and prayer that will really set the tone for some peaceful slumber.
Photo Credit: ©Gettyimages/Sam Thomas

1. A Prayer for Peace of Mind
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3
Father God,
Thank you for the gift of each new day. However, as I recall many of the events that took place today, my thoughts quickly remind me of the times in which I fell short. Please forgive me where I failed You today, I want to do better tomorrow. So, with that, I come before You and ask for peace that will allow me to put my mind at ease and embrace rest. O Lord, please grant me the sleep I so desperately need. Give me peace of mind so that I can turn in for the night and wake up to a brand-new day refreshed, ready to face the challenges as well as the many blessings You so graciously give.
A Prayer to Ease Your Heart
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27
O Lord,
I am so thankful that You ransom my heart and continually remind me of Your unfailing love. It isn’t hard to see You weaved throughout my day when I think about it--in nature, in relationships, in music, in my circumstances, in so much. Yet, in all transparency, so often I fail to see You and feel the warmth of Your unfailing love. Please forgive me when I lose sight of You. This is why my restless heart leaves me desperately seeking You tonight. My heart is heavy and is weighing me down, causing me to wrestle with rest. So, I ask You for peace. Please calm the raging war within my troubled heart so I can drift off to sleep. I love you so much and am so thankful that You provide rest to the weary.
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Finn Hackshaw

3. A Prayer for the Weary Soul
I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint. Jeremiah 31:25
Faithful Father,
God of peace, You do not grow weary or faint. I am so grateful for the Spirit of Your power, might, and faithful love, as it surrounds me and gives me the strength to conquer each new day. I am laying here with my eyes and ears alert to my surroundings, keeping me constantly on guard, unable to fall asleep. As my soul aches and my physical body grows weak and tired, I turn to You. I give it all to You and lean in for Your mighty power to refuel my weary soul. Please satisfy my need for rest. Let me close my eyes and wake up refreshed because of your great power. Thank you for Your faithfulness.
4. A Prayer to Give Thanks
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6
Heavenly Father,
I open my heart to You tonight and give You all the thanks and praise for the day. You tell us not to be anxious about anything, but if I'm being honest, I'm holding on to many of the worries and concerns that transpired today. I am having a difficult time letting them go. Please remove these thoughts so I can place my sights on a new and emerging day. A day that I am so thankful for due to Your mercies. Lord, thank you for the promises You bring with each new day, please allow me rest so that I am able to see it through. I ask this in Your holy Name.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/AntonioGuillem

5. A Prayer for Relationships with Family and Friends
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. John 15:12
As I come before You tonight, I lift up my heart and give You the heavy weights and burdens that come with the precious relationships You have so graciously blessed me with. Due to each of these dear people in my life, I am wrapped in continual thoughts and heartache for certain words or actions that have been said or exchanged recently and in the past. It is causing a restless night’s sleep. Even the slightest disturbance stirs within my heart and takes me back to a moment in time that I replay in my mind, over and over. So, I give it all to You. I ask for Your grace where I have failed, seek forgiveness, and pray for Your mercy so my soul and heart can be placed at ease, and finally rest.
6. A Prayer to Embrace God’s Love
And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 1 John 4:16
Dear Father,
Your love never ceases to amaze me, Lord. I cannot even put into words the gratefulness I feel when it comes to the warmth of Your love and the peace I feel in Your presence. I seek Your love and presence tonight as I humbly come before you, weary and tired, yearning for rest. Help me embrace Your love so that I can rest and be ready to go about my day tomorrow with vigor and eagerness. When I am tired and weary, it causes me to easily fall into the trap of lies and bend to the ways of this world. So, I seek Your rest and need Your love. Please wrap them around me and allow me to sleep in peace. I ask this in Your precious name.
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/jacksharp_photography

7. A Prayer for a New Day
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23
You give us such a beautiful example of seeking solitude and rest. From the very beginning, You share with us the importance of resting, and the power of being still and getting quiet. So, I humbly come before You now, seeking rest. Please remove any distractions and other pressures that are keeping me awake. Help me lean into and become still and quiet before You, as I present my heart and give thanks for Your never-ceasing compassion and love for me. I pray that as another day emerges, You are ever present in it Lord, and that I can wake refreshed, able to give glory to You in all that I do.
Simple Prayer and Other Verses to Proclaim at Bedtime
Need a simple prayer to recite? Try the easy go-to whisper prayer below when all else fails, then close your eyes and recite some of your favorite Scriptures. Oftentimes, we are awake due to the circumstances of our day that capture our hearts and minds. Unfortunately, this allows the enemy to sneak in and sabotage our rest. Fight back with Words of Truth!
Here is a simple prayer to recite, over and over if needed.
God, as I lie down for sleep tonight, please comfort me with Your warmth and ease my mind, body, and soul so that I can fully rest. Amen.
Here is a list of a few other verses to proclaim at bedtime.
In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Proverbs 3:24
Related Resource: Listen to Your Daily Prayer In the Morning or Evening and Find Rest for Your Soul
Need an encouraging way to start or end the day? Every day, the Your Daily Prayer podcast shares a new soothing, encouraging prayer for your day. Listen now!
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Originally published Wednesday, 21 February 2024.