I’ve never been terribly artistic, but during the pandemic, I decided I should try my hand at painting. I’ve always said, “I’m a writer because I can’t paint — instead I use my words to describe a scene.” But one day my creative mind got the better of me, and I felt like playing with color on canvas would be fun.
Thankfully, my local craft store had a “painting starter kit” with all the things I might need: some canvases, a few brushes in assorted sizes, a miniature palette, and a dozen tubes of acrylic paint. Voila! I was off and running, even if my actual talent ranked low on the spectrum.
Of course, when it comes to our faith, some of us probably wish there was a starter kit. Imagine how helpful this would be if you could walk into your neighborhood church, identify yourself as a new believer, and go home with a handy box filled with all the things you need.
For many of us, the Christian jargon alone can be enough to keep us at arm’s length. What’s “fellowship”? How can I “lay it at the cross”? What’s a “love offering,” and how in the world can I wash something “in the blood”?
This begs the question: Is there a starter kit for new Christians? And what needs to be in this starter kit?
1. A Church Home
First, I have to admit I’ve never actually seen a starter kit for new Christians. Perhaps they exist, but if they do, I’m not aware.
But if I were to craft one, I think the first thing to go in the box would be a church, theoretically speaking. That’s because a good church home is critical to the life and growth of any new Christian. Church isn’t always easy for people.
Many suffer from trauma about the church, whether experiences they had growing up or judgmental church people they encountered. But finding the right church can be helpful. A church is never going to be perfect; after all, it’s comprised of people, who are imperfect by nature.
But a group of people gathered together to worship the Lord, sing and pray, and learn an important message about their faith is a good thing. Ideally, this church will focus on prayer and growing in faith, which is something we all need as Christians.
Hebrews 10:24-25 talks about the importance of the church for believers when it comes to preparing us for the Second Coming when Jesus Christ returns one day to restore the Kingdom of Heaven on earth:
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
Churches also lead us to the next key element for our “new Christian starter kit,” which is….
2. Christian Friends
It’s really important for new Christians — really, all Christians — to be surrounded by other Christian believers. We tend to be influenced by those around us.
At one point in my life, I worked with a bunch of people who used curse words. A lot. I’m certain my language became fouler during those years just because these were the people who surrounded me all day, day after day.
It's the same with our faith. When we start spending time with other authentic Christians, we bolster each other.
We might find ourselves talking about God more or seeking opportunities to engage in service or love others. When one of us goes astray, the others are there to keep him or her accountable or serve as a positive influence.
As a new Christian, doing what you can to meet and befriend other Christians is important. You might not know these people, but you can serve with them.
And over time, you’ll find your bond grows. Awkward moments subside. Deep conversations replace small talk. Acquaintances become friends.
3. A Bible
A Bible is a critical component of a “new Christian starter kit.” Think about it: We can read about the life and ministry of Jesus for ourselves instead of relying on someone standing in a pulpit to interpret it for us.
We can read the words for ourselves and let the message sink into our core. Over time, we move from the gospels to the epistles, then take a dive into the Old Testament, learning the foundations of Jewish culture and seeing for ourselves why God’s people so desperately need a savior.
Thankfully, Bibles come in a variety of translations. Not only are they in many different languages, but for those who speak English, there are formal versions, slightly formal versions, and those that promise “everyday vernacular,” with common everyday phrases we might use ourselves.
Reading the Bible ideally is a daily practice. At first, it can be difficult for those who are not used to it, but with intentionality and practice, anyone can do it.
As the Apostle Paul writes in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” The Bible is important.
4. A Bible study
A Bible study is another important item for our starter kit. While Bibles often do a great job explaining context and meaning, especially online versions, sometimes having other people alongside us who are more skilled in Bible study can help us understand things even better.
5. Christian Radio, or Some Christian Music
Christian music is a powerful influence on us. So many people have become Christians because they started listening to Christian music without noticing it.
The music spoke into their soul, and then one day, they realized the truth of what they were hearing. They accepted Christ as their savior, and that was that. Another sheep welcomed into the fold.
Some people complain about contemporary Christian music, saying they don’t like the style. Not a problem — Christian music spans the genre spectrum, with everything from rap, country, and pop to bluegrass, punk, and heavy metal.
Not every genre can be found on the radio, so you might need to turn to a streaming service. But rest assured: it exists, and it can be incredibly helpful.
6. A Prayer Journal
A prayer journal is another great item for your new Christian starter kit. Not everyone feels comfortable chatting away to God, conversing with the King of the Universe like it’s no big deal. Some people have trouble expressing their thoughts or feel odd doing so.
A prayer journal can be a big help, allowing you to list items on your mind that you want to turn over to God. You can list prayers, ask for help, pose difficult questions, whatever is needed. Sometimes putting pen to paper unleashes something powerful.
It can be tough to get from that first prayer to the call in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 to “rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” But a prayer journal can make a difference.
7. The Holy Spirit
Of course, the most important thing in our box isn’t a thing at all but a person: the Holy Spirit. Before his ascension to heaven, Jesus promised he would send an advocate, the Holy Spirit, to guide us in his absence.
The Spirit would live in our hearts and heaven speak for us if needed. Acts 2 tells about how the Holy Spirit first entered the hearts of the believers on Pentecost Sunday 2,000 years ago, and he still lives within us today.
Think about it — a piece of God, one-third of the Holy Trinity, lives within our hearts today, connecting us all! What a gift and a blessing!
These are just a few ideas. What is missing? What else can help?
But starter kit aside, the most important “thing” a new Christian needs is a good friend walking beside them, guiding, mentoring, helping, and teaching. Together, we can grow in Jesus. Amen and amen.
For further reading:
What Does it Mean to Be a 'Little Christ'?
6 Stories in the Bible Every New Christian Should Read
5 Pieces of Advice for New Believers
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Kara Gebhardt