When gospel singer Duranice Pace appeared on the variety TV show Steve, Christian celebrity Steve Harvey was in tears as she shared a special message from God!
Duranice Pace is a true overcomer. She was abused as a child and given rat poison that damaged her voice.
Yet, after enduring such awful things at the hands of humans, Duranice focuses instead on the miraculous blessings she’s received from her Heavenly Father.
Interview With Gospel Singer Turns Emotional
Things got emotional right away as Duranice shared her real-life inspirational story of how God healed her vocal cords with TV host Steve Harvey.
“I believe the Lord gave me a touch when they fed me rat poison in Rochester, New York, and they had to cut out half of my vocal cords,” she explained. “And they said I would never talk again, but the man upstairs said, ‘You gonna sing again.’”
And that wasn’t the gospel singer’s only brush with divine healing. At one point, doctors diagnosed her with thyroid cancer, giving her just three years to live.
“March 28 made that 11 years ago,” Duranice Pace explained.
And she believes there’s a reason God spared her life.
You can tell Steve is trying to keep his composure throughout Duranice’s amazing testimony. But as she sings about the reason she’s on the show, she soon has Steve Harvey and the rest of the crowd in tears!
“I didn’t know if I was going to be alive but God done kept me alive to see you, sir,” she told Steve Harvey.
Gospel Singer Leaves Steve Harvey In Tears
Duranice Pace’s unwavering faith and charming personality already had everyone cheering. But as the gospel singer broke into song once again during the interview, her words sang a prophecy over Steve.
“This is Steve Harvey. He’s a good man. He loves the Lord, and he’ll give you a helping hand. God’s going to bless Steve Harvey,” she sang. “Keep on, keep on. You helped me to live, sir, keep on ... you special.”
Duranice’s words not only moved Steve Harvey to tears but also inspired him to open up about the final moments he shared with his late mother.
Steve’s mom was a devout Christian, and she died in 1997.
“I just hope she’s seeing today, watching this moment right here,” a tearful Steve told Duranice Pace. “The only reason I straightened up and started doing right was ’cause I just wanna see her. Other than that, I’d still be going to Hell like I was.”
God can move through people and use them to share messages with us. Steve Harvey told Duranice Pace that her visit to his show deeply touched him in a way he wasn’t expecting.
“You think I’m helping you, but you really helping me. I thank you because this was for me,” Steve said.
After talking with Steve, Duranice went on to deliver an incredible performance.
WATCH: Duranice Pace Performs On Steve Harvey Show
Steve Harvey has had his fair share of ups and downs. But ever since his mother turned him in the direction of Jesus, he’s been trying to use his position as a Christian celebrity to inspire others.
Just recently, he tweeted some profound words of advice:
"God really wants to help us, but he requires that we have a relationship with him. If you’re out here trying to make it without God, you are making life harder than it needs to be. There is a higher power, and there is a God. It’s time to get in touch with God."
What an amazing platform God has blessed Steve with. We’re so glad that stories like Duranice’s testimony are getting out there!
Photo Courtesy: Youtube/Steve TV Show
Originally published on God Updates. Used with permission.