Matthias was one of the seventy disciples whom our blessed Lord made choice of to assist him in the discharge of his public ministry. After his death, Matthias was elected into the apostleship, to supply the place of Judas, who was so struck with remorse at having betrayed his Master, as to put an end to his own existence.
After our Lord’s ascension into heaven, Matthias spent the first year of his ministry in Judaea, where he was so successful as to bring over a prodigious number of people to the Christian faith. From Judaea he traveled into other countries and, proceeding eastward, came at length to Ethiopia. Here he likewise made many converts; but the inhabitants in general being of a fierce and untractable temper, resolved to take away his life, which they effected by stoning him, and then severing his head from his body.
Resources: This story is adapted from John Kitto's 1870 History of the Bible and represents the commonly accepted views about this apostle among rank and file believers in the late 19th century.