Matthew 22:1-14 contains Jesus’ story of the wedding feast. Here, the kingdom of heaven is compared to a king that gave a wedding banquet for his child. The king had picked guests, but they would not come, so much so that some of his couriers were killed by the would-be guests.
Because of this, the king fills the wedding lobby with ordinary citizens he finds on the streets; some are good, and some are bad. One of the chosen guests that had refused is tossed out for attempting to go to the gala without wearing a proper wedding garment.
Jesus sums up the message with the popular expression, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” This story addresses Israel's dismissal of the Savior and salvation. This parable is similar to the parable of the great feast, yet with some contrasts (Luke 14:12-24).
In this Jewish culture, two solicitations were normal when grand banquets were given. The primary invitation requested that the guests join in, then the second declared that everything was prepared.
In this story, the king summoned his guests on multiple occasions, and each time they dismissed his calling. God wants us to go along with Him at His feast, which will keep going forever.
What Is the Invitation?
For that reason, He sends us invites over and over. How many have genuinely acknowledged and accepted His invitation?
It was standard for wedding visitors to be given an article of clothing (wedding garments) to wear to the wedding feast. It was unimaginable to decline to wear it.
This would affront the host, who could assume that the visitor was self-important and considered that he did not require a piece of clothing or that he would rather not have taken part in the wedding festivity.
The piece of wedding clothing is an image of the “garment of righteousness” expected to enter into God's Kingdom, the all-out acknowledgment in God’s eyes that Christ gives to believers.
Jesus Christ has given this piece of clothing to everybody, except every individual must make the decision to put it on to enter the King’s feast (everlasting life). There is an open greeting, yet we should be prepared (Psalm 132:16, Isaiah 61:10, Zechariah 3:3-5, Revelation 3:4-5; 19:7-8).
The idea of being “cast into outer darkness,” alongside “weeping and gnashing of teeth,” is a typical statement utilized by Jesus to depict God's everlasting judgment (Matthew 8:12; 13:42, 50; 24:51; 25:30).
With regards to this story, this is the destiny of a man who endeavored to go to the wedding banquet without wearing the wedding garment.
There are many discussions over what the wedding piece of clothing is intended to represent. Notwithstanding, this man addresses the individuals who accept that they will actually be able to enter heaven without ever fulfilling the standards that God has set forth.
We know from the remainder of the New Testament that to be able to enter into God’s presence is untarnished righteousness (Matthew 5:48; 19:17) and that no individual other than Jesus has at any point accomplished this (Hebrews 4:15).
It is only those who come to God covered by the blood of Christ, through faith in Him, will God graciously receive them into eternal life (Romans 3:21-31; 4:22-25).
There are some that comment that the wedding clothes address Jesus’ righteousness and is cherished by the King (Isaiah 61:10).
1. Look at the Invitation Given
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28-29).
A “heavy laden” individual might be troubled with sin, religious leaders with extravagant demands (Matthew 23:4; Acts 15:10), abuse and oppression, and exhaustion in the quest for God. People experience some type of burden each day.
Burdens can even come from our work, family, finances, physical ailments; the list goes on and on. Jesus liberates individuals from these weights. This rest that Jesus promises is healing, love, and harmony with God, not the elimination of all exertion and effort.
A relationship with God changes trivial work into spiritual efficiency, productivity, reason, and purpose (John 7:37).
Jesus’ words, “Come unto me, and drink,” suggested the topic of numerous passages of Scripture in the Bible that discuss the Savior’s nurturing gifts (Isaiah 12:2-3; 44:3-4; 58:11).
In promising to give the Holy Spirit to all who believed and accepted Jesus, He was professing to be the Messiah, for only the Messiah could do that.
2. Who Are the People Invited?
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).
To believe is to put our trust in the only One that can save us. It is to put Him in charge of our lives for the here and now and the hereafter. Some people may not like the idea of eternal life because of how miserable their lives may be.
But eternal life is not bound to this mortal realm but to the spiritual realm. The whole focus of the Gospel of Christ is based upon this one verse. God paid the life of His Son for our redemption (Acts 13:46).
For what reason was it fundamental for the gospel to go to the Jews first? God arranged that through the Hebrew nation, all the world would come to know God (Genesis 12:3).
Paul, who himself was a Jew, cherished his people (Romans 9:1-5) and needed to offer them each a chance to go along with him in broadcasting God's salvation.
Sadly, numerous Jews did not perceive Jesus as their Savior, and they did not comprehend that God was offering salvation to anybody that came to Him through faith in Jesus.
3. What Does God Expect?
for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose (Philippians 2:13).
For us to resemble Christ, we should condition ourselves to think as Christ thought. We ought to change our cravings to be more similar to Christ's, and we need the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit (Philippians 1:19), influential Christians, obedience to God's Word (not just being exposed to it through reading and hearing), and service from us that is sacrificial.
It is the doing of God's will frequently that we will begin to have a longing for it (Philippians 4:8-9).
Individuals have attempted a wide range of ways of satisfying God (Micah 6:6-8), yet God has made His desires understood. God maintains that Christians should be fair, just, and forgiving and walk with Him.
In our endeavors to satisfy God, we ought to consistently look at these areas of our lives. Is it true or not that we are fair in dealing with people? Do we have forgiveness for the individuals who wrong us? Is it true or not that we are living our lives in humility?
You’re invited to a wedding, that will be held soon. We are the bride; Christ is the groom. With a crown to wear, and a long white robe. We’ll walk down the aisle, made of pure gold.
What is your answer, how will you respond? The groom is asking, the bride to come. And the supper will be in heaven, our new home above. Here’s a wedding invitation, He’s sending with love (“The Wedding Invitation” by Kyla Rowland).
For further reading:
How Does John 5:24 Describe How We Become Saved?
How Does Romans 10:9 Describe How We Become Saved?
Does God Want All People to Be Saved?
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